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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Kiri Me A River

My house is still full of sick Things but they are all asleep-ahhhhh.....however, this will be a pictureless post because I am just too stinkin' tired-a week of 3-4 hours of sleep per nite will do that to you. I am trying desperately to finish my Kiri shawl. I started it way back before Thing 3 was born and somehow I have not had the time to finish it since then-what in the world have I been doing with my time, I wonder??? Must be all that sitting around watching soaps and eating bonbons... Anyhoo, it is knit on laceweight and I love knitting it but it took me awhile to be able to knit it without paying very close attention because sometimes lace is just that way for me(especially with very tired little eyes) and even though now I can knit and watch TV while working on it, I'm not sure that for me it is a completely "mindless knit". I'm much more in tune to the stitches now and can read them and spot mistakes much easier and fix them faster but still, I need to look while I'm knitting which can be slightly annoying when I want to get it DONE!! I really thought I could finish it fairly quickly but between new baby, 2 other kiddos, major sleep deprivation and very little time to actually pay attention to, well, anything, it is not done-YET. But I am finishing the last repeat and then I start the edging-woohoo! Has anyone had any experience with blocking Jagger Spun Zephyr? I am wondering just how much it will grow when blocked because it is still pretty small and I am afraid I cannot knit i any longer or my eyes will fall out!! I am going on a little road trip this Thursday and if it is not finished before then, I'm sure I can finish it in the car. So, hopefully next post will have pictures of Kiri finished and blocking! Oh, and also of a little surprise that is the reason for the aforementioned roadtrip...Stay tuned!!


"Meems" said...

Who is sick, and where are you going? Sorry... maybe I missed that info. I admire you for knitting lace. Its hard work!

jody said...

2 of my kiddos are sick and sometimes getting better but sometimes having high fevers-fun times....especially when one is 5 months and getting medicine in her is like lubing an octopus!! As for the trip, it is a SURPRISE!!

Anonymous said...

Are you getting a pug? Oh Jody, you bring back so many memories of when my three were young. I had 3 under 4 years of age at one time and when one got sick, they all got sick and then passed it around again. I can't say I miss those times. I feel for you kiddo.

Vouray said...

Get a Pug!!!!! Then Purl and the puppy pug can have play dates!

hey pat said...

i so know what you're doing

Vouray said...


Please call the store right away....Mimi needs to find a home for a wonderful neutered three year old pug. Call Mimi at the store ASAP.

"Meems" said...

plastic surgery trip? hehehehe
yes, seriously.. this pug is super sweet. Check him out at
his name is spike.

see you later~
email me if your interested: or i work friday, sun, mon, tues.