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Friday, April 6, 2007

If a Mime a Falls Down in the Forest, Will Anyone Hear It?

Thing 2 and Thing 3 are little sicky-poos right now and can
hardly breathe-hence the reason for very little time or material in my life for blogging the past week. (Incidentally, there is nothing more heart wrenching than a tiny stuffy-nosed baby or a pale-but-still-smiling almost 5 year old saying "I lub you, bama") So today I spent a lot of time with my 7 year old while the other 2 slept. We had some great moments today-like when she asked if we could just sit together and knit for a while-yay! The best part though was when we got to go to church tonite, just the 2 of us, for Good Friday. (Religious content ahead-if that offends you, you should probably keep on reading beacuse you need it! ha-so there!) I love the Good Friday service at our church because it is always so beautiful and such an incredible reminder of all Jesus did for us on the Cross. It is different every year and this year was no exception. There is a group of kids that do some miming/drama ministry stuff and I have to say in the past, I have really not been a fan of this group. They are good kids with good intentions and all, but....miming? Really? Not a fan. AT ALL. (At least the ones at church do NOT wear that nasty make-up...shudder) But tonite, I sat literally in tears as I watched these kids, completely devoid of self-consciousness, do 2 performances telling the story of the Crucifixion from the viewpoint of bystanders in Jerusalem. They did a routine, for lack of a better word, to 2 different songs and put everything they had into this routine. At first I felt really uncomfortable-I mean, did they know that miming is, well, weird? Don't they realize their friends are watching?! Which led to my next thought, "wow-they are so bold- I would never have done that in high school, heck I wouldn't do that NOW!" But then I found myself completely drawn in and before I knew it, the tears were rolling down my cheeks. What has happened to me? I've gone soft...having kids does that to a person. But they really were tremendous and while I am still not necessarily endorsing miming per se, I was really moved by watching them and my daughter LOVED it. Besides what it obviously got me thinking about (Jesus), it also got me thinking about how uninhibited they were. They just didn't even seem phased that a few hundred people were watching them while they put it ALL out there. I mean really, ALL-they were SO into it! Why am I never like that? I always hold back-afraid of being laughed at, not being good enough, not knowing enough, of people not really liking me. I do it with everything from my knitting to my friendships to my faith. I was completely humbled by watching those kids pour themselves into their performance as they told the greatest Love Story ever told. Sometimes we have to look at things we normally would write off as stupid or cheesy or weird and see that maybe they can teach us something pretty darn significant.

(Kind of how a lot of us learned to knit on Fun Fur and Splashesque yarns, eh? This IS a knitting blog, right? I felt compelled to tie it all together, even if I had to bring novelty yarn into it-sorry Mosaic ladies.)

Finally, in the "Things that Make You go Hmmmm....?" category, I leave you with this. Have a great weekend, y'all!


Skyblue said...

Hi, Jody. I found your blog by clicking on "next blog" at the top of my blog! Ha ha. Just a random thing, I think, but I'm glad it "randomly" found yours. I'm a Christian and enjoyed your entry about the mimes and not being afraid of letting people see us for who we are. My mother was saying as much last night over the phone. Interesting, huh. I hardly ever even post on my blog here; I usually use LiveJournal ( Anyway, I just wanted to wish you a blessed Resurrection Day (as we call it in my family). Hope your two little ones are feeling better soon. I've been a bit under the weather myself, so I can sympathize. : ) God bless, Cannie

jody said...

Glad to have you visit, Cannie! Funny how those "random" things work, huh?

cate said...

Thanx for going out on a limb and sharing your love for Jesus. It is intimidating in cyberspace, at least I think so. Keep it up. catie

Vouray said...

What I did for Good Friday is take the picture of the Crack pipes off my blog. Great entry, Jody...Happy Easter...hope your babies feel better, mine has SEVERE pink eye.

jody said...

Sorry about your little one, Gina-pink eye is the WORST! They look so pitiful! Wise choice though, I think, in the crack pipe removal-although I had thought they were weird looking knitting needles-I confess my stupidity....

Thanks for your encouragement Catie!

Anonymous said...

He loves us all as little children. It's a shame we don't all have their innocence, but aren't we glad he loves us none the less. Happy Easter, Jody.

Anonymous said...

Don't know if i want to knit from dog hair. I spend the majority of my life trying to vacuum it out of my house!!!!!!!!

jody said...

Debbie-i know about the dog hair thing!! I cannot vacuum enough!! but if i could make it into yarn....too disgusting?? i don't know-i mean, think of what wool is like when it's still on the sheep-ewwwwww. but for some reason dog hair just seems grosser-i'm still deciding if it is intriguing or just icky.

Anonymous said...

You are a good writer. I laughed my head off at the inner workings of your mind- although I know them from knowing you for, oh, 31 years, it was funny to read them on paper, or really, my computer screen. How about knitting memom a sweater to have on hand so she doesn't have to wear that doggie blanket?

Loren said...

We learned how to mime in gym class lol! It was actually really fun, don't knock it until you try it. I was terrible though. They actually told my sister that she had a future in miming, but she never went through with it. Would have been to have her perform at dinner

Vouray said...

To imagine Loren miming...ick.