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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

STILL Not The Compassion Post

I will write about that but wanted to give a quick update on our baby girl-she has not been making much improvement with her breathing and in fact ended up in the ER Sunday nite/Monday morning (2:30 am actually--and Nell Ann and Neely, I prayed for your court dates while I was hanging out there since I was up :)!! ) where she was AGAIN tested for all the same things as earlier in the week (again all negative), given a breathing treatment with a different more powerful medicine but with a cool purple dino mask, tortured into giving some blood (that was NOT FUN AT ALL) from her tiny little veins, observed and released with the instructions that we were to have her to our regular doctor for follow up that day. So, Zoe and I got home at 5:30 to go to sleep for about 3 hours (my super hubby got the other kiddos off to school and such while I slept) and then we headed to our regular doc who has now referred us to a pediatric pulmonologist whom we see tomorrow afternoon. Zoe did have a much better day and night yesterday so that was a huge blessing for all of us and we are looking forward to the appointment tomorrow to hopefully get something figured out to help our sweetie breathe on a regular basis, always a good thing if you ask me. So anyway, if you all could just be praying for our family-we are tired, really tired and it is hard to think straight at times. The re-entry has been pretty challenging in a lot of ways and we are eager to get to a point where we can all be enjoying one another without wondering if one of us is going to stop breathing (that kind of puts a damper on family fun, you know?) At the same time, we are so grateful to the Lord for walking us through all of this and know that He's got our hands in His-and btw, I am not saying that tritely to sound like "oh it is all ok, we have Jesus!" when we are really just in a clueless fog. We have truly seen and felt the hands of God through so many different things and people that it is undeniable that He is part of every step of this too and so we feel a certain peace knowing that the One who is responsible for creating Zoe is leading the way for us in her treatment. Anyway, I wanted to keep y'all updated on things and then I will tell about our last day in Ethiopia!! And I hoped to have some cutie pictures of Zoe-meister but 1. our camera is broken and 2. I didn't think a cell phone pic of her getting treated in the hospital counted as cute (although it sadly crossed my mind to do that while she had her purple dino mask on b/c apparently I have been blogging for way too long!!)

Ok, I changed my mind, I WILL add a picture of her and Jaxson while we were in Ethiopia because, well, they are just CUTE and this is the one we will put up at their rehearsal dinner and you all need to see it too!


Anonymous said...

I am PRAYING for you!! That must be so hard!! The reentry is hard in and of itself, but to have these sorts of complications, fears, and worries ... super challenging!! I'll pray for supernatural strength and endurance for you!! And lots of wisdom from the docs!!

Jstar said...

What a hard start with your beautiful little girl - we'll keep you *all* in our prayers

Sarah said...

Sending much love and prayers your way! That is a very rough start indeed.

One day at a time, lady. One day at a time. Your ARE in His very capable hands.

Miss you guys!

Sarah said...

PS Yes, we would love to move to Virginia. Got room?

Paul and DeeDee said...

Jody, we are praying for sweet Zoe! This has got to be so hard! Those kids are SO CUTE together....rehearsal dinner for sure:)

Dawn said...

it kinda looks like their heads were cropped on. ha.

i think the best medicine for zoe would be a little jaxson. :)

Jana said...

DUDE. This is rough, I am so sorry. You have enough on your plate, praying for extraordinary strength. The bride and groom are so beautiful!

Michelle said...

Oh Jody I am so sorry she is still struggling. Jesus heal her little sweet body. Jesus bring rest to the family and let them get to a place of just enjoying one another. Thank you for bringing them this far and for where you will take them together.

Sarah said...

You know, I had a dream last night where you sent us a huge painting you had done of Blacksburg (you signed your name "JodyJo" at the bottom -- ha!) and you had written all of your favorite things about Virginia all over it, to try to convince us to move over there.

One has bizarre dreams when one never reaches REM sleep!

"NONATO" is the word. Getting political now!

neely said...

thanks for praying for us while at the hospital! we are praying for you and your whole family during this crazy time!!